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Hello Monday … Hello Gratitude

Hello Monday.
Hello gratitude for a wonderful trip to
 Palm Springs.

 In the beginning I was worried that it came at a very busy time.
But now in retrospect 
it was  actually perfectly timed
as often happens in life.

With so many changes coming around here
investing whole heartedly 
in seeking new beauty 
was exactly what my heart needed.

And with Palm Springs being so close to home
I was able to come home for a few days
to get the work done I needed.
My heart is very grateful
to have had the best of both worlds.

I am so happy to be shipping orders
of my jewelry
all around the world this week.
Sending my beautiful pieces to new homes
both near and far.
I am tremendously grateful for this
as I find the process of 
making items to be cherished
wonderfully rewarding.
The process fills my heart.

With two graduations here
in the next two weeks
I am ever so grateful
to have my own passions
 direction right now.
This has been years in the making.

Rediscovering my own path.
Transitioning from a role
of full-time motherhood
to my 
what's next.

The process has been long 
 even painful at times
but I am ever so grateful 
to have made the journey.

I can recognize now
as much as I love all of my children
their lives are their own
to make the choices they need to make.

Each of my children possesses
their own soul
will have their own lessons to learn along the way.

As much as it is my first instinct
to want to jump in
 protect them from
 hurt that might  be around   life's corners
try to make sure they are happy …
that's not how life works
 how souls are grown.

I will afford my children the right to make their own choices
 not stand in the way of
lessons to be learned.

to have the bravery to do this
I must be fully vested in my own life.

I must 
keep my eyes on my own paper
I know by now that is the only paper 
I control.

I will always be here to love my children 
to offer any emotional support needed.

But I have grown up over the years
enough to see
that they all have their own lives to lead.

And now I have one too.

for that
I am ever so grateful.

I have this blog
to thank for so much
of my own transformation.

Once again,
I recommend

Write the Blog You Want To Read
It Can Help You Find The Life
You Want To Live

Below are the links to my writings
on this subject … that is so close to my heart.

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
 as you style your life 

Linking with


  1. We can do more for our own families when we take care of ourselves and make our passions a priority. You will be more joyful and they will love that! Can't wait to see all that you create!

    1. Pam, you are absolutely right! Thank you for your sweet visit my dear! wishing you a wonderful new week!


  2. You sound like you have come to this place of calm and can find contentment and joy in this newfound freedom. I think your creativity will surge forth brilliantly and your jewelry will take on new meaning for you....the best us yet to come.

    1. I think you are quite right my dear! Although I have grieved my children moving on, in the past … I am now at a perspective to be able to celebrate the joys of a job well done … and the freedom to now pursue my own passions. I so agree with your comment … "the best is yet to come"!


  3. A stunning skirt, beautiful photos, clear blue skies, and heartfelt words - just lovely, Tamera! xxx

  4. Pam's comment above is so true and also appreciated my me.

    I struggled through my empty nest years until I followed a "camera feed" of a nest of barn owls from the days of egg laying to the days when the owlets left the nest. I watched their mother and father's roll in their development and survival. I then watched the same process from hatch to "leaving the nest" with a family of Bald Eagles. I felt such relief! I was able to confirm to myself that my husband and I properly nurtured and educated our children, giving their wings the lift they needed to fly.

    I then started blogging.
    What a gift this experience has been for me!

    It is with great joy that I anticipate the arrival of my first piece of your 'artkeep", Tamera.


    1. Lynne, thank you for sharing such a beautiful visual of this experience. It is such a settling idea of this whole process. I will keep this in my heart, to remind myself, this is the way life is supposed to go. Thank you so my dear!

      Yes, blogging has been such a healing and transformative process for me, to be sure!

      I am so happy to send out your art piece wrapped in love and joy!


  5. This is what I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing your journey - you are a true inspiration and beautiful person, inside and out.

    1. Susan thank you for your kind and loving words,


  6. I understand the empty nest struggle or think I do, I lost my child in an car accident so my grief is so deep that it has been a life long struggle. Still struggling.

    1. Sue … I send you much love and hugs of comfort ... in your on going struggle my dear.


  7. Ah, your lovely photos are making me miss Palm Springs! It's so good, not only for you but for your kids that you continue to stretch your wings. Your jewelry designs are gorgeous.

  8. Thank you my dear for your kind words! You are quite right … there is a benefit to all … as we stretch our own wings!

    I so enjoyed your Paris street fashion overview!


  9. I use to live in So. Ca. and spent many weekends in Palm Springs. Thanks for your jouney it brought back so many wonderful times.

    1. You are so very welcome. I have become so very fascinated with Palm Springs myself now … and am already planning my return :))

  10. Tamera, I love reading your thoughts of motherhood because you are finishing up on stages with your children that I am just now starting to enter. As I wade full on into the teen years, that balance between guidance and being overbearing is a real fine line (at least for me). I see for myself how easy it is to get lost during this time. You should really be proud of your family and your individual accomplishments-you're clearly doing something right :)

    1. Holli I couldn't agree more with the idea of finding a balance of guidance versus being overbearing. Looking back I probably spent too much time in the latter. But it is a hard road to navigate when one is so very passionate about the journey and the outcome. Those were difficult years … and I am now, ever so happy to report, there is not only daylight on the other side … but so much beauty to still be found!

      Thank you my dear for your heartfelt comment.


  11. I don't have children myself but i can understand how you feel. It is hard to let go of souls you have felt so responsible for for a long time but it sounds like you are transitioning very well. When you worry about them just think of this quotation from Wayne Dyer: The anchor of the universe is present in every child. A parent only needs to guide and step aside and let them fulfill their dharma. Help children remember that they can do or be anything.

  12. Sally my dear … this is absolutely poetic … and so true. Thank you so much for sharing such wisdom … it truly lightens my soul!


  13. Replies
    1. Thank you my dear … for your sweet share.


  14. you look great in that skirt. Where you live looks so pretty. I love your attitude to your kids x

    1. Thank you my dear! Great job with all of your walks!


  15. Coming home for a few days..
    ..enjoying both worlds..
    Vacay is not a full rest when looking up at palm trees 2 1/2 hours apart. However, when one finds work calming, vacay can seem comatose.
    I hope you enjoyed double dipping, yet found refreshment!

  16. Ok, I just took a deep breath because I'm still breathing this all in. You do realize that you also have an incredible talent for putting words together that touch souls, right? Just like your lovely pieces of jewelry, each word when put together, like you do, brings forth the most loveliest ans sincere and soul building messages. And, isn't it wonderful when we, as grown women, finally realize the life we do have is important at every stage. Thank you dear friend for reminding me of this.

  17. Beautifully written, as always. So happy to have met you during my own transition and this post resonates with my process. Your photos equal the artistry of your words.

  18. Oh, what a lovely post Tamera! And thank you for the reminder about your blog series. I have read, printed, and reread each of your posts, and have found them all to be so helpful! I have been remiss on commenting on the final post of your series. Not for lack of interest. NO! I just haven't found the right words to convey my gratitude and appreciation. It's difficult to put into words but I'll try...Yes, you share freely on your blog, but your words are chosen with such great articulation and care that I FEEL the very personal and thoughtful essence within each post. You share with intention and great consideration. And that makes your words all that much more valuable to me. A simple thank you seems insufficient, yet I write these words with heartfelt intention. Thank YOU!

  19. Wonderful words , accompanied by your captivating images. The acceptance that our children have become young adults and are on their own lifes paths is one of major readjustment. As with every thing worthwile in life this takes us time. So pleased you have found your own path, may the rewards be great.

  20. Tamera, I can tell from reading your blog that you are a beautiful person inside and out. So glad for your new found success.
