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Apple Picking ... A Family Tradition

We went 
apple picking 
for the first time as

We started apple picking one of the first years we began homeschooling.
We found
originally on one of the 
field trips to 
which has Revolutionary War history and re-enactments.

We continued the tradition well into high school and college years
as our children began to find
the loves of their lives.

Those were 
years of transition for all of us.
As our children 
found their way in the world
I learned to let go and hold on.
I wrote about the years of transitions many times here on my blog
over the last 13 years.
The following are some of my favorites.

Here - a college drop off
Here - a walk
Here - transitioning
Here - apple picking with their loves
Here - a view from an empty nest

Going apple picking with them all
was a beautiful way to spend family time 
with their true loves.
Who by the way are married and have been part of the family for years now.

I have always loved photography since high school
when I was on Yearbook.
The ability to capture moments in time
that can live on
providing a window back in life.

Our youngest Hunter and his wife Megan
met in the summer before eighth grade.

These two sweet kids ...

Now have two kids of their own.

It was such a joy to be back in the same orchard
as grandparents.
The joy I feel watching these two with theirs
fills my heart.

Life has so many twists and turns.
Some things don't turn out like you hoped
then others
like having these two grandchildren
far surpass any expectations.

They are both pure magic to me.

I think being a grandparent itself
is a magical experience.

This sweet girl wanted to make sure her momma had flowers
for the picture 
so she took some from her own bouquet.
I am beyond grateful every day
my grandchildren have such loving parents.

I'm sharing a few more captures of our beautiful trip
Apple (and now flower) Picking.

Thank you  ever so much for stopping by here
for a visit!

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy 
as you style your life


  1. What a simply beautiful family day!
    Thank you so much for sharing Tamera.
    And thank you for the links to your previous posts…your words and insights bring much comfort x

    1. Thank you so much for visiting here and your lovely gift of words! It truly touches my heart that my words and insights can bring you comfort. Life definitely can have it's challenging seasons. I wish you all the best in yours my dear! XO

  2. You captured the essence of a beautiful life in these photos .🥰💘

    1. Why thank you so much my dear! That is so kind of you to say! I so appreciate your visit here and sweet words!

  3. Hi Tamera, Absolutely beautiful! As always, your photographs ooze love and light. What a wonderful tradition to continue and pass on to the next generation. Your art and creativity is reflected in this fabulous outfit. Love, Elizabeth.

    1. Elizabeth thank you so much for visiting here and your beautiful gift of encouraging words! I so appreciate them!
