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Airstream love....

 We own an Airstream....
by this I mean we still make payments each month
on our Airstream....

So I don't mention this fact to brag,
far from it...
we bought the dream...

 the dream of fabulous family adventures.....

 loving family memories.....

 the coolest of vacations....


 I'm trying to fall in love again 
with our Airstream 

to get over the fact...
 you can't really buy a dream,

 always shows it's presence.

I think one of the pitfalls of being a designer
is the dream of perfection....
of getting everything just right...

but now I realize that's a horrible pressure
to put on a family....
 Which gets me to thinking of something I have been
pondering for a while....

do reading blogs
 make us feel better.....

send us reeling into 
the inevitable...


 I am older than most of the younger bloggers out here
so I'd like to think I know enough by now
to not compare.....

but it seeps in quietly
at first...

grabs hold...

then begins the fight to not let it get control...

but rather.....
to be thankful for my blessings and accomplishments.....

I do love the beautiful.

but by showing something beautiful
I don't want to be one more voice of
selling a dream of 
unattainable perfection 

that doesn't exist....
that can never exist....

there is always 
the reality of life
to contend with.

as in life
 many of our picturesque photos
 have a back story 
of reality....

 Nothing so awful....

just not the
I  thought I bought
 when I signed off on buying 

when expectations are too high
precious little room is left for

 now I want to revisit 
our Airstream

with realistic eyes

because I have already mourned for 
The perfect family
that doesn't
 and will....
never exist.
Because now
I know you can't
 buy a dream

but you can love the life you have
in all of it's beautiful imperfections.....

Wishing you love and joy
as you style your life!

I would LOve to hear your thoughts on
Blog reading and comparison,
do they go hand in hand,

or is it just me? 



  1. Okay... I have to admit, the Airstream struck a twinge of jealousy, only cause I really love airstreams! :)

    When blog reading, I really try and follow blogs that inspire and encouragement. If I find myself feeling discontent or irritated, I just remove the temptation... I don't need that. Mostly, I like to be really happy for the people I connect with and encourage them on their journey.

    Very thoughtful post, Tamera. Thanks for making me think and evaluate. :)

  2. Ooops... I meant inspire and encourage me! And sometimes challenge me, too. :)

  3. Wouldn't it be fun to have a blog that shows the dirty dishes and the just woke up face. That would be depressing to read - we know that in our "real" lives we all want to live higher
