I had the honor of hosting a
Backyard Bridal Shower
for the daughter of a dear friend!
I've literally watched the beautiful bride to be
grow up since before she was even born.
With my three children not only
Grown and Flown
but married as well
I jumped at an opportunity to host
A Beautiful Backyard Bridal Shower
at our home
because I know what lovely lifetime memories can be made
with family and friends
celebrating the union of two people in love!
I also remember how overwhelming and emotional
all the wedding activities can be
so it was
my intention
to create a lovely afternoon
where not only
the bride to be
could be celebrated
but her mother as well.
Hosting such an important event
was also the perfect impetus I needed
for Jeff and I to get our house and gardens
in tip top entertaining shape.
With a ten week lead time
my to do list was long
so my working timeline kept us busy the last couple of months
to be sure!
There is nothing like
wanting to give people a memorable afternoon
celebrating love and friendship
to keep home project motivation running high!
The last couple of months I have kept
3 project lists going
after for years feeling like I had way too much time on my hands
it's felt exhilerating!
I have decided to un retire and relaunch
my Fashion Accessory business.
This idea and goal
has felt so daunting at times
(read huge procrastination blocks)
but having a firm deadline
of a party and the necessary preparation as a must
it actually helped unblock my business progress!
The old adage of
'if you want something done , give it to a busy person'
still works!
My three project list of
House and Garden Projects
Bridal Shower Prep
kept me motivated and accomplished!
I have entertained for decades now
so I feel very comfortable and organized.
The outlier and uncontrolled factor for this party
was our weather.
Here in Southern California we have two months of
May Gray and June Gloom
in which drizzle and wetness can be an almost constant.
So for the bridal shower
I had to be able to transition
The Garden Party Theme
inside if need be.
I decided I could easily embrace the cold and wet
even in June
with a fire in the fireplace and an abundance of candles
always reminding myself
of the most important part of any party
How you make your guests feel!
Decorations and Food are always just supporting players.
We actually go So Lucky with
the party weather
it ended up to be
a picture perfect sunny afternoon!
Before I go further with the party prep
a note about what I wore
just how important an outfit I love is to me
when it comes too entertaining.
To have an outfit I am already familiar with
is comfortable
moves easily
but with enough substance and drama
that make me happy to be me
is always one of my key entertaining boxes to be checked.
Pockets ... always a big happy bonus!
And of course a great shoe!
My cream wooden clogs
fit the bill.
Comfortable for backyard entertaining
yet still stylish and fun with my outfit!
For me
an entertaining outfit
that I love
gives me joy and confidence
so once my guests arrive
I can put all of my focus on them!
I always believe
the better we feel about ourselves
the more we have to give to others.
Now to the actual
Backyard Bridal Shower
It started with
A Welcome Table
Our house is small and compact
but I never have wanted that to limit my entertaining.
I enjoy the challenge of getting my spaces to expand
to accommodate entertaining many.
To do so we moved our dining table back against the wall
to create a better flow to our gorgeous backyard.
Upon arrival each guest was warmly greeted
then asked for their preference of drink
then welcomed into the backyard.
I know as a party guest
I often come with a bit of nerves
so I always so appreciate not only a warm greeting
but also a glass
it's an immediate way to feel connected and a part of the gathering.
I also always appreciate a glass, glass as well.
Our welcome table was simple
with choices of champagne, mimosas, sparking lemonades
and sparkling waters.
A wedding ring charm finished the champagne glass.
The Welcome Table
needed to be a focal point for the celebration
so I needed an extra large arrangement.
So to help keep the party on my budget
I started with a very large potted plant.
This beautiful potted dahlia was a Mother's Day gift
from my gorgeous girl!
I loved it so much it's been my dining room centerpiece for weeks!
But it was getting to it's blooming end
so to fluff it for the party
I just tucked in vases of fresh flowers!
I used vases of large white mums and white peonies
I was so happy with the level of party drama it created!
I will certainly be adding
using potted plants
with vases of fresh flowers
to my entertaining styling ideas!
I always enjoy getting the most bang for my buck
whether it be what I wear or how I decorate!
Now that the party is over
the potted dahlias are planted in my garden
in a place of honor!
Speaking of bang for my buck
I ordered Papel Picado banners
also known as
Mexican Wedding banners, from Amazon
to carry out my
Bridal Garden Party Shower Theme.
For the table I just laid them out for a contemporary feel
against my primitive hand crafted dining table.
A blue antique folding screen behind the floral arrangement
kept the eye from traveling back to the wall
so the focal points remained just where I wanted them
on the welcome trays and flowers.
For the
Backyard Garden Party Theme
I pulled all of my colors from
these sweet invites I had printed from
Minted HERE
I chose the invites because they encapsulated the
gathered garden feeling
I was going for.
I am a big believer in old school
mailed invites
as a perfect way to set a tone and excitement
for any event.
I also got really lucky at Trader Joe's
for all of my flowers!
I was at ours first thing Friday morning
when they get their floral shipment in.
To make these simple arrangements
I started with flowering privet I harvested from my courtyard.
The greenery provides a perfect framework
to build the petite bouquets.
Our backyard farm table is over 10 feet long
so running small arrangements down the length
makes for a feeling of simple abundance and luxury.
You can see how much
Bridal Shower punch
We also had them in the front
arched between trees for a dramatic
'the parties here' feel.
Lunch was served buffet style
so I had placemats set out throughout the backyard tables.
Personal Photos Folding Screen
Another party idea I was happy with
was bringing out my wooden folding screen
that Jeff made for me years ago.
I added the wedding banners to the panels.
Then I added photos of the Bride to Be
from over the years.
Her mother had collected the black and white pictures
the last couple of months for this project.
It ended up to be such a personal touch
was such a fun talking point for guests as they arrived in the backyard.
I purposely put it in the far back corner
to help pull people further out into the yard
it worked really well!
For a gift table I simply draped a blanket over our vintage cart.
It also helped pull people out and didn't take away from any decor
instead it created another fun focal point
once all the presents were there!
We replaced our fire pit and awning chairs
with our round table and wire chairs.
I purposely designed our middle patio
to flex season too season.
In the chilly winter months
it's a cosy fireside space
in the summer months
it's intimate alfresco dining space!
Our waterfall along with backyard speakers
always provides even more outdoor ambience.
I added more of the banners to our backyard photo backdrop.
It was so fun to see the multi generational photos being taken during the party!
All of the food was beautifully made by
my amazing husband!
In our family Jeff has always been the chef!
In line with the gathered garden theme
the light lunch consisted of a spring pasta salad ...
Homemade hummus with roasted vegetables, naan bread and pita chips.
These simple tiered treats were a huge hit!
The beautiful Bride to Be, Bria
her lovely mother, Triana!
Our kids grew up together on the street.
So it was such a lovely opportunity to bring
friends and old neighbors together
to celebrate the upcoming nuptials!
I hope you've enjoyed your visit here
found ideas that
you can incorporate into
your own entertaining life!
Thank you ever so much for visiting!
Leave a comment it you feel inclined
they always make my day!
As always my friends
I wish you love and joy
as you style your life
Beautiful Tamera! Nothing like planning a party to spark our creativity and motivate one to get things done! Lovely!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with the excited motivation that comes with planning a party! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
DeleteThe most wonderful hosts ! As you always say to enjoy the journey 🌸 A wonderful way to enjoy the wedding process and celebrate our milestones together as we have for so many years. 💝 We cannot thank you enough.
ReplyDeleteAwww! It was so much our honor to host such a meaningful event! I still can see you and Steve walking by our door every evening when you were pregnant with Bria ... and then for so many years after as your family grew to five! We all were so blessed to have had raised our children together on the street ... and boy did they all turn out amazing! Can't wait for Bria's wedding! Much love to you my dear friend! XOX
DeleteOh Tamera this is so thoughtful and lovely… you need a you tube channel…i would watch every episode 💕
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you ever so much Diana!
DeletePs it’s Diana
DeleteIt’s just beautiful. You are so talented. And always so kind
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for visiting and your sweet words Clarice!
DeleteJust beautiful. Thank you for always offering tips and where to find products. For instance, I didn't know Friday was flower delivery day at Trader Joe's and those Papel Picado's are perfect! Everything absolutely was gorgeous and you can see that it was done with love. I too love to entertain; on a much smaller scale, and I strive to make it special. I always cook gourmet meals, everything from scratch, homemade appetizers included. It's labor intensive but so appreciated by our guests and I just love doing it.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy fashion and always want to look and feel great, like you. For the life of me though, I cannot wear long sleeves while entertaining. I'm always afraid I'll burn or get food on the sleeves and get hot and bothered while cooking. After I read that Jeff does all the cooking, I understand how you can get away with it. Please keep your blogs going; I learn so much, Tamera!
Well thank you ever so much for not only reading, but leaving such an interactive comment! I truly appreciate it! I am always trying to share what I know and what I'm excited about!
Deletei bet your guests really appreciate your homemade gourmet meals! What a gift of love to to share with others! I can definitely understand while long sleeves would be bothersome for sure!
I would ask your local Trader Joe's what day they get deliveries. I think they may be different by store. For me they seem to last longer and have more selection on delivery day.
Again, thank you so much for your visit and sharing here!
Thank you so much for visiting and making another try to comment! I so appreciate you my friend! It was so much fun to have such a Life Moment Party to prepare for! And yes, I sure appreciate that Jeff finds pleasure in cooking!
DeleteMy shop is actually getting to the final stages of graphic work for my online shop! I can't tell you how much your continued interest means to me! sending big love your way my dear! XOX
Another beautiful party by such a gracious and intentional hostess. I love the tips you share. I too am excited for when you shop opens whether it be here on the blog such as Annie Diamond does on Most Lovely Things or creating an etsy storefront, please do announce on your blog when and where we can find your shop.
ReplyDeletem in hi
Thank you so much my dear! I do so love sharing entertaining tips. Anything to help make sharing with family and friends easier and more enjoyable!
DeleteThank you also for your encouraging words regarding my shop, so very appreciated! I am getting closer to opening my beloved online shop. The relaunch has been years in the making in part to new designs as well as overcoming paralyzing procrastination out of fear. I will most definitely be posting and celebrating here on my blog for the grand opening! Thank you, thank you for your encouragement!
Tamera! What a breathtaking shower ... I'm sure the bride and her mother felt loved, celebrated and full of joy. Very excited for your new (old) venture to be (re) born! xo
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to have a visit here from you Juliet! Such a compliment coming from you, who always entertains so wonderfully! And thank you for your encouraging words regarding my newest venture! So appreciated!