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Self Care During The Holidays

I am republishing this today ...
in case anyone besides myself,
can appreciate the reminder!



My decorating for Christmas is in full swing.
My holiday lists have been made.
I realize I'm once again feeling off at Christmas.
With my mom gone this year
I realize there is  still a lot I have to process.

While there are motions to process
I still am wanting to soak in all the 
Joy the Season Has To Bring.

I also know for a fact 

Good Self Care
can make such a difference in the 
Holiday Season

I am sharing here
some of my 
tried and true
helpful tips.

Let Go Of Expectations Of Perfection

This one I have definitely been working on for years.

Now I know to do my best
then let it go.

As much as I like things to look good
I now know to focus on the moments.

For me these days
it is also important to let go of expectations of others.

We all come to the holidays
stepping out of where we are in our souls this year.

None of us are perfect.
 all of us are doing the best we can at the time
with what we have  and know
at this time.

Bringing Grace to the holidays
 goes far for everyone
ourselves included.

Let Go Of Comparison
it is always the thief of joy

Right off you might think I mean 
comparing your holidays to other peoples
which is destructive enough for obvious reasons.

But there is another Holiday comparison
that can be equally joy stealing.
Comparing this holiday right now
to ones gone by.

I have found as hard as it is sometimes
in life 
especially during the holidays
it is so important  to focus on
 the good that is here right now.
Not to hold  this year up for comparison and judgements
of years gone by.

We only truly have today
right now
this year.

Respect Yourself

I think self respect is always important
but like many of these ideas
even more so during the holidays.

We need to respect how much we can give.
Whether it be time or money.

Over giving leads to resentment.
Know your boundaries.

That line that crosses from joyful,  loving giving
into the abysm of resentful duty.

I know during the long Thanksgiving weekend
I remembered that I  personally needed
 alone downtime to rest and recharge.

Respecting that about my personal self
meant I could come back 
refreshed with more to give
really enjoy the company of my family.

Trying to do too much
is an easy way to loose Holiday joy.

Make A List Of Holiday Objectives

For me I demonstrate my love   by having
guest rooms for my children 
that are cozy and well appointed.
For me
I show love by beautifying spaces.
Whether it be a beautiful room, space or table.

These objectives
might seem obvious enough
but for me to have the conversation with myself
meant I could keep my focus on what was important.
not to go off the rails getting annoyed with the less important aspects.

I also keep tight present buying lists.
It's all too easy to be out shopping
be swept away in the moment
thinking that perfect gift can buy someone happiness.
It doesn't.

Remember self respect of time and money.

Take Care Of Yourself Inside and Out

I know it's a busy time of year
but taking the time to make good nutrition
a priority
means you will have more energy for the holidays.

I'm not saying to get crazy about what you eat
just remember to get some good stuff in!

I also make sure to keep my work outs on track.

Holiday Wardrobe

I'm not talking about fancy fashion here.
I'm talking about taking the time before the festivities begin
to line up outfits
that you will feel your best in.
Outfits that make your heart happy to wear.

Being in charge of family holidays
means you want to feel your best
in order to bring your best.
For me clothes help.

Just like packing for a trip
I like to think through the events of the weekend
plan outfits that I know I feel comfortable in
enjoy wearing.

In my younger years
I missed this simple concept
only to find self scrambling before
every event 
to pull something together to wear.
Trust me
this was not emotionally pretty
for me
or the ripple effect that ensued.

Plan what you want to wear
ahead of the need.

Cherish The Small Moments

To me this is what 
Self Care During The Holidays
is all about.

Self Care which leaves you whole and grounded
so you can be truly present
 in the small moments 
that are really can be the big spectacular
joyful moments
we really are searching for during the holidays.

One  of my favorite moments from this last Thanksgiving was  just that.

I could  do this because 
I realized 
the need for
 Self Care During the Holidays.

And I'm old enough now 
to know sometimes
life is savored in the quiet moments 
when you least expect it.

Taking good care of ourselves
we can love on others so much better
be present when sacred heart moments do occur.

My wish for you this holiday season
is good self care
so you can show up with 
grace in your heart
an ability to
cherish the sacred moments
that can be mixed in all of the hustle and bustle of the season.

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life


  1. Oh my word, this is so full of wisdom and love and grace! Thank you for this beautiful post!

    1. Amy you are ever so welcome darling! Thank you for visiting and reading! xox

  2. Tamera, reading this made me smile. Such wisdom here - thank you for showing me how to focus on the things that matter!
    Helen Greenwell

    1. Helen thank you so much for visiting and reading my dear! I so appreciate it!! xox

  3. Such heartfelt words of wisdom. Thank you. May your holidays be loving and fulfilling 🎄

    1. Becky thank you for your sweet and encouraging comment my dear! xox

  4. What excellent and timely advice Tamera. Your words of wisdom are very special, and I will take them to heart. I cherish my weekend with our grandson, as he showed his design flair by arranging my Santa Claus collection, our Christmas village scene, and the Nativity. He is so artistic, and only nine years old.
    How stunning is your red floral crown, perfect for the season. xxx

    1. So lovely to have you visit here Patricia! Your time with your grandson sounds like such a gift! It also sounds like you have a budding artist in your midst! Your story reminds me that when I was young, one of my favorite things to do was arrange and rearrange all the Christmas presents under the tree! What a lucky grandson you have ... to have you, who recognizes his gifts! xox

  5. Dear Tamara - thank you for sharing your words of experience and wisdom, and baring a shining glow from your soul. As I read you post, I could feel myself starting to relax and breathe. Your gift of words is so well appreciated and received. Wishing you the best of this magical season. xoxo

    1. Oh Lark! Thank you ever so much for this beautiful gift of words for my soul! I so appreciate them darling! Wishing you all the very best in the coming New Year! XOXO

  6. I read this post a few weeks ago and kinda ended up just going with the flow with my plans too. I had a few intentions in mind but then the weather, then the uptick with covid etc., so I just decided to be flexible and enjoy how things played out and not get bent out of shape when I couldn't plan the perfect photo op etc. This post should be posted yearly as a gentle reminder for all of us. xo Shon

    1. Oh I sure hear you Shon! I reposted this here ... because I too needed a reminder! I think as Mom's we always strive for perfect holiday's ...I have had to learn over and over to scale back my expectations ... and ride the wave of what is. More often than not things end up even better, with magical moments! I loved your family pictures! You have such beauties!! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit here darling! Truly appreciated!! XOXO
