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Friday Date Night … Trying New Looks … and ... Why I Get In Front Of the Camera

Our  Friday night dates
have turned into a perfect opportunity
to try some new looks
with a photo shoot before cocktails!

With my upcoming trip to Napa
I wanted to play once again with my leather jacket.
It was a chilly SoCal evening so
I chose to pair it with a black maxi.

I decided Old Town San Juan Capistrano
would make for the perfect back drop for this ensemble!

I often decide what I want to wear on Friday night …
and then
decide the perfect destination.

Old San Juan has a charming collection
of restaurants and bars …

you never know where 
you can  get some photo advice!

This charming engineer had some great  photo shot set up advice!

Jacket-Target, maxi Target, Sunglasses-Tom Ford, necklace-Tamera Beardsley Design, Vintage evening bag, patent pumps- Ivanka Trump

To achieve a nicer flow to long knit skirts and dresses
I would like to wear a long slip underneath
but since I haven't found any that have made it to market yet
a successful alternative I have found
is wearing a long knit skirt underneath
It provides for a better drape and movement to the dress
which for me it makes it more fun to wear
the skirt underneath
helps prevents the dress
from wrapping around my
legs when I walk.
The added layer is also a good way
to prevent every bump and imperfection from showing
which is reason enough for the under skirt!

I have found using the skirt as slip solution
to be more cost effective
than even traditional short slips.
Target has several great options at the moment.
I find stores like this
to be great ways to try new looks
both my jacket and Maxi dress
are from Target.

Now that I realize I actually like
a leather jacket
(I talked about here)
I will eventually be on the hunt
for a leather jacket as a wardrobe investment piece.
I am quite taken with a
une femme d'un certain âge
newest Vince leather jacket
but for now I am quite content
with my Target score.

I have reworked this vintage brooch statement necklace many times by now
I have to say 
I am finally completely satisfied 
with this vintage crystal rendition.

The years of collecting brooches
have really paid off
as this necklace 
pairs as well 
with T shirts and jeans
as evening attire.

Anyone new to my blog
can find my DIY for the necklace HERE
the rest of you already know the drill :))

I really have to say 
thank you to my wonderful husband
for his Friday night effort 
in the photography department.
I know I am a very lucky woman.
He works really hard
to show me in the best light possible.

Believe it or not
I actually Hate having my picture taken
but love talking about clothes,  accessories
personal style
I do get in front of the camera.

I have even thought of using other models
to tell my fashion visions
but then I  realize
I too would become
part of the story telling
fashion is only 
for the young and beautiful.

That is a story
that is dated and untrue.

are for 
any of us
who wear clothes
want it.

No matter
our age
our size
 how we look
 the price points
we can afford.

are for all of us.

I get in front of the camera 
every week
more of us need to be front of the camera
how else 
will we know what real women
look like
if all we see
a single vision of beauty.

A single vision
of beauty
doesn't work
in a world
with so many different kinds of beauty.

So here's to
living life
with style and gusto
no matter who we are!

I was just thinking
it's  probably
about time fore me to share 
some of the photo tips
I have learned
get the best shots possible.
I can feel the wheels turning
a new DIY post :))

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life


  1. Yes but are a spectacular beauty!
    I cannot ever bear to see pictures of myself, all I see are flaws, I shy from the camera all the time, so I have to crop myself or stop blogging!

    1. Oops, meant you are.

    2. Tabitha … you are a stunning beauty … I know that and so do your legions of followers! You, me … all of us must learn to see the beauty in ourselves! Focusing on our flaws … diminishes our power as women! If someone as gorgeous, stylish and chic as yourself would shy from the camera … this problem is larger than I thought! For goodness sake … your beauty intimidates the heck out of me! But I have decided to teach myself … to see myself with less critical eyes … and search for not only the beauty in myself … but others as well! The tide must be changed … not only for ourselves … but the daughters and their daughters that will be shaped by our view of womanhood!

      I send you much love my dear!


    3. Oh I'm not beautiful at all, I promise, I just scrub up well, but yes, intellectually I know it's wrong to be that way.

  2. Fabulous photo shoot!
    You are looking particularly radiant and I love love love your statement necklace.
    I have to take my own photos so it limits me and I feel very vulnerable exposing all my flaws but do it anyways because I keep thinking that it is an exercise in acceptance.

    1. I really need to be around more wise women.

    2. Oh hostess … you always have such magic with words! Having self photos … and then making them public … is exactly that … AN EXERCISE IN SELF ACCEPTANCE! I know I have grown tremendously in that area … from not only making public photos of myself … but internal dealings as well. There is so much self acceptance in blogging .. a certain personal acknowledgment of ones truth … I know I think long and hard about my truth … before I hit publish … a veritable this is me world … before I hit publish … I always ask myself …will I stand behind this sentiment and truth … even if ridiculed rather than accepted … if I can answer yes … I know it is my truth … at least in that moment.

      Thank you so much for your comment … self acceptance … a concept that I have had … but lacked such concise words to express!


  3. Beautiful post, both the pictures and the message. I will be collecting vintage pins now, everywhere I go. I need a necklace like that!! I am trying to teach my husband how to take pictures without cutting off my head or having the whole frame crooked...without much luck. I'm fairly private about myself, but find I enjoy reading about others, so suppose I need to loosen up. Leslie expresses exactly my is a lesson in acceptance. And from acceptance grows confidence which is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear! Enjoy your Sunday dear friend. Much love xoxoJennifer. Looking forward to your picture tips:)

    1. Jennifer it is worth teaching your husband to take pictures … with digital pics it's so easy … just have point and shoot … a lot! Then just take those photos to an editing site … I use pic monkey … to crop and edit them to your hearts delight!

      I so agree with Leslie … so much of the whole picture/putting it out there ... is all about self acceptance … I still remember the first time … I took pictures of myself with my iPhone … I felt so sily … but intrigued at the same time …

      One of my most gorgeous friends taught me years ago … you just get rid of the bad ones … and that was before the ease of just a delete! As I posted more photos … I began to accept myself … realizing the flaws that I focus on … just really weren't the whole picture … I began to see other attributes that I had completely discarded.

      I completely agree with you Jennifer … FROM SELF ACCEPTANCE GROWS CONFIDENCE!

      I will be working on the photo tips!


  4. Tamera...gosh...where do I begin? You have inspired and lifted my heart each time I visit! You have awakened areas of my creative soul that have laid dormant for many years. You found the words to define why I blog, and why I love it so much. ...for an exercise in self acceptance, and to be in the company of so many that inspire self acceptance.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so very much my dear … your words are truly gifts to my soul! I can think of no greater compliment to receive … than to inspire and lift a heart!

      I do think Leslie has hit the preverbal nail on the head with the issue of self acceptance that can come from blogging… and I so agree with you … it is a gift to be in the company of so many that help inspire us all to that end! We are all so much the better … from this gift of our blogging community!


  5. This is an experiment I need to try. Now I need a camera person. I don't think my husband has EVER taken a photo. Maybe that is why I hate having my photo taken, I have always been the one taking them. But I do think it is time to learn self acceptance. I have put myself where I am, unhappy with my body and looks. If I can claim responsibility, maybe I can take on the responsibility of fixing some of my errors. Thank you, once again for making me think. You are so wise and darn it, so glamorous! Have a wonderful trip to Napa. Cheers!

    1. Barb I highly recommend self photos … taken either by your husband or even by yourself with a smart phone. Looking back, I think taking pictures was the first step in my own transition to a renewed vision of my life. I remember when my kids were small … I felt as if I had so lost myself I couldn't even cast a shadow … let alone see my refection in a mirror. Taking pictures began to remind me … that I still existed … as an individual unto myself … not just in reference to others.

      You are a beautiful vibrant women who absolutely radiates enthusiasm for life … and if I may be so bold to offer advice … a beautiful women who needs to spend more time concentrating on her own worth and beauty. Life is too short to be consumed by what we don't like about ourselves … and it takes time away from the good we could be doing in the world. You know my story … and how hard I have fought to 'come back' …I know you can to. It isn't about our reflection in the mirror … as much as it's about learning to see ourselves with acceptance and love. We owe changing our self perception as much to ourselves and each other … as to our daughters … and the daughters they will bring into this world!

      Stepping down from my soapbox … I send you loving hugs my dear! Thank you again for the original email you sent me … it impacted me more than you can ever know!

      much love my friend,

  6. What an amazing photo shoot! You look gorgeous. And that necklace...WOW, stunning!

    1. Thank you my dear! May I say once again … just how much I adore your new Vince leather jacket … such chic style you have!


  7. Oh, you precious thing, I love this! I, too, have done the same with a way too tight long knit skirt under the lightness or sheerness of a maxi, it works wonders, doesn't it? In Houston we have about 10 days when we can wear a leather jacket and actually need it (the older gals get the minks out)...and I so covet your weather. I also covet those Tom Ford sunglasses! I had 3-4 pair of the Jackie O, Ted Lapidus ones years ago (they are somewhere around the closet as I KNEW they would come back!!!). Wonderful post !

    1. Oh Marsha … I am always so excited when you visit my blog … as you my dear are the reigning queen of all things chic and living a beautiful life! I adore your 10 essentials and traveling tips! It is now my dream to one day rent a house abroad for a month … and have various visitors come in for one week at a time … while reserving on week for just Jeff and I. You my dear are ever the inspiration for living life with beauty and love!


  8. You're right, of course! Why shouldn't we enjoy clothes and fashion, as well as getting dressed up to go out, throughout our lifetimes. It is a challenge to accept the changes that aging brings fact, it can be a constant fight to keep from comparing our current appearance to that of what it once was. However, I know my children and husband, as well as my friends consider me to be beautiful. Nobody expects anything beyond what I currently am from me. I just need to accept that for myself!!!

    1. Sue … you are so right … there is so much freedom and personal power found in personal acceptance! As I have gotten older … i am making peace with the youth that has passed and choose to look closely everyday … to see what gifts of wisdom and peace have taken youths place. I am ever so grateful everyday to have the dress choice to decide the intent and direction of my day.

      I am absolutely enthralled with your blog my dear … and believe it is not coincidence that I found it! I have been working very hard not only in the forgiveness department … but changing old beliefs as well … in fact i have written on the very topic for an upcoming post this week! So wonderful to read your blog … and have all that I have been working on … once again confirmed.
      Thank you ever so much for putting such positivity into the world!


  9. The necklace is surprise there...I bet you will have all of us collecting vintage brooches! And you look so would be a perfect model for Target. Our messages are the matter who you are...what size...what age...what can look fabulous and feel your best right where you are! You look gorgeous, Tamera!

    1. Yes Pam … our messages are the same! I still remember finding your blog … hers ago … whenI was first even considering if I had any business or relevance in the fashion field … Your blog was one that got me thinking I just might … and then I found Iris Arpel … and I knew I was back!

      Thank you Pam for being an encouraging voice to us all …that we can look fabulous and feel our best … right where we are!


  10. Thanks for the link, Tamera! I'd love to read your photo tips, as your images are always so beautiful and artistic.

    1. My pleasure my dear! Thank you for your kind words!

  11. What a beautiful outfit, and fabulous photos! Well done to your husband for being the photographer, and to you, stylist extraordinaire and model! I was always very self-conscious about having my photo taken but blogging has helped my confidence enormously. You're right, whatever our age, shape or personal style, being out there and visible is a really positive thing. xxx

    1. Curtise … you to have been an inspiration to me! Your unique style helped me to search harder and take more chances with my own! I owe you a debt of gratitude my dear! Thank you so for your kind encouraging words!


  12. Oh Tamera you are beautiful!!! It is so much more fin to see you than a model. I like real life and your heart for realness, trueness is the breath of purity we all need. Your heart, your blog makes me feel like being washed by the sea. Thank you for giving of your self to us.

    I want to say so much more but I am currently sick with a sore throat virus that has gone through my family and I need to rest. The most important thing I want to tell you is that your comment made me cry... We are kindred spirits and you carry a depth of understanding a heartache that I have not found in anyone to connect with in our children leaving after so many years of being entwined with them day and night. Your heart aches as mine does at the same time as being full of happiness in embracing life. I am comforted in knowing that I am not alone in this transition. xxo Kerrie

    1. Kerrie we are indeed kindred spirits my dear! I can barely read your second paragraph, without my eyes filling at the recognition of the feelings of loss letting our dear ones go off on their own! I also recognize how you are building a new life full of happiness and beauty for yourself and your ever evolving family.

      Thank you so very much for your tender and encouraging words! Take care and get well my dear!


  13. Fashion and style are indeed for all of us, beautiful Tamera. I love your necklace and fab jacket. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!

    1. Yes Patti, you are not only quite right, but you have been leading the charge and providing the perfect forum to share our style … and build our community … with your biweekly Visible Monday! I am grateful each time to join such a fabulous group of stylish women! Hats off to you my dear!


  14. Lovely post - I'm glad you take photos of yourself to show the rest of us. Spectacular necklace! And wonderful photos!

    1. Thank you so very much … I adore your personal style!!

  15. You look absolutely gorgeous :) What a great photo :) beautifulllllll:)
    Have a lovely week hugs Beata

    1. Beata thank you so very much my dear for your kind words!

  16. Tamera! Such a lovely photo shoot and what fun to do in tandem with a Friday date night:) I agree... we ALL need to get in front of the camera and loose our inhibitions a little bit! The maxi and leather jacket is gorgeous and your accessories are perfect.


    1. Thank you so very much Leslie … you are quite right about the camera … I am trying every week to lose some inhibitions! Thank you for your complimentary words you gorgeous women you!!


  17. OH, YOU REALLY willNOT believe this!I have read the comments above and your answers………do you know what I have been talking about doing now for years??Renting a house in ITALY and say I invite you and your husband then you invite a couple until we have about four couples then they leave and a new group arrives………we would take turns cooking and those who wanted to go site seeing go while others paint etc………Of Course, we would be there the entire time!!!!!!!
    Now, that necklace……….I know you posted that DIY again for me !!!!I have collected for years now……..but do not think I have enough to do what you did.I shall keep collecting and first need to find the BASE piece.Any suggestions for that?IT is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS on YOU!I do not think I would ever take it off!I love the train shots!YOur JEFF does GREAT!I know there was more to tell you but it has left me now…………I'm going back to STUDY the DIY post!YOU are very GENEROUS with your INFORMATION…….I hope people appreciate that and TELL YOU!

    1. La Contessa how utterly fabulous would it be to rent a house in Italy! I was telling my husband all about Marsha from Splenderosa's trip and how she rented the big house for the month … I had never even imagined such a grand adventure!

      I see you found my DIY of the brooch necklace … You will have a great time with it my dear friend! I continued to add to my necklace for some time … until this crystal one is finally finished!

      all the best my friend

  18. Hi Tamera, I can't tell you how fabulous your necklace is. I love the fact that you used brooches to do it. Are they vintage brooches?
    And, your ring is great too! So glad you put yourself out there. I just started my blog, and I too was going to use a younger model, but I decided that no one can model my clothes like me. So I said, what do I have to lose life is to short not to take risks. I'm so glad I did. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful jewelry. cherie (stylenudge)

    1. Cherie, yes they are vintage brooches collected from flea markets.

      I am so happy to have found your stylish blog … after first coming across you on IG! I am so glad you too put yourself out there … and you do it with absolutely stylish aplomb my dear!

  19. Your husband does an amazing job photographing his beautiful wife. You certainly create gorgeous styles week after week. I love your vision for being able to transform everything, including Target pieces, into STUNNING! A lovely message in your blog post today, Tamera.

    1. Lisa my dear, thank you so much for your very kind words … they are very much appreciated!

  20. Good idea wearing a skirt under a skirt! I've avoided maxis for that reason (sheer and the skirt b/w the legs look isn't my best!) This maxi w/ leather is a lovely look on you!!
    xo ~kim & chloe

    1. Thank you Kim! I loved your ankle jeans with heels and a blazer … making every day ever so chic!

  21. I remembered!PIC MONKEY…….I have signed up months ago but I need help!Perhaps a tutorial over a glass of white wine next week??

    1. Just give it a look my dear … it is really easy … if I can use it … anybody can! the trick is just getting your pictures there … I just pull them from iPhoto via my desk top.

    2. EXactly………its putting the photos in a separate file to then use for VINTAGE HEN HOUSE!I do not know how to do that!

  22. So glad you shared your thoughts on being photographed, I,m sure most of us have had similar doubts about putting ourselves in front of the camera particularly as the years pass. It is certainly an important part of the road to accepting ourselves . You are so right about digital photography, it makes everything much simpler, my husband has become my photographer and until last month had never used a digital camera. Lovely outfit my dear and your brooch necklace, just stunning.

    1. Thank you Jill! Yes, I think for me, photos have been such an important part of the journey of self acceptance.

      I am so happy to see you blogging regularly … and showing your style, beautiful locale … and that fabulous vintage car of your husband's! the story you wove with your two hats … was an absolute delight!


  23. you look great! I am sick of people thinking fashion is only for the very young! xxx

    1. Thank you ever so much my dear Faux Fuchsia!


  24. Sorry, you answered my questions already.Base necklace TARGET…………or JUNIOR SHOPS!
    I'm on the HUNT!

  25. Hi Tamera, visiting from Visible Monday. What a pretty necklace you've got on. Love the purse and ring too!

  26. Amazing on so many levels. And that necklace: a thing of beauty and wonder.

  27. you are so beautiful and elegant! i love you look, amazing biju <333 and i love your sunglasses, you are fabulous! You have a very nice blog tell me how about follow each other?? Let me know if you atart and I will follow back :)
    have a nice day sweety!
    xoxo from Spain

  28. Hello! New to your site through Patti's Link up. Love the leather jacket and jewely giving that edge to a long skirt. Looks lovely. I also love the places you shot the pics, the red with the outfit! very nice. If you have time to visit

  29. you are looking fabulous!! I love that black jacket, and the red lipstick finishes everything off perfectly. I can completely understand what you mean - I realised looking through the albums that I am like the invisible woman in the family, always taking but never in the photo. ALthough I am working to change that, I hate nearly every photo of me that exists and always find something to be unimpressed with . I shall look forward to your photo tips immensely, as you always look so fabulous and natural behind the camera!

  30. you are looking fabulous!! I love that black jacket, and the red lipstick finishes everything off perfectly. I can completely understand what you mean - I realised looking through the albums that I am like the invisible woman in the family, always taking but never in the photo. ALthough I am working to change that, I hate nearly every photo of me that exists and always find something to be unimpressed with . I shall look forward to your photo tips immensely, as you always look so fabulous and natural behind the camera!

  31. I'll never see my wardrobe from Target in the same way! You look fabulous. Of course you should wear a moto. Especially edgy with your hyper-feminine skirt and that beyond-glorious necklace! Thank you for getting in front of the camera for us. Your own unique vision shines through and you express it so well, always. Good to be reminded that style comes in all shapes and sizes. We all need to hear this as often as anyone is willing to say it, so thank you, Tamera, for the very pleasant reminder!

  32. What a FUN post. Your necklace is to die for!!! I'm not brave enough to get in front of the camera but your post has at least got me thinking. I am so tired of being ruled by my body image and now as I have aged its hard to look at my face. Somehow we have to enjoy our aging. I'm working on it.

  33. The solid black really shows off that amazing necklace.

    Forcing ourselves in front of the camera is great therapy.


  34. Gorgeous! I can't wait to get my brooch necklace - inspired by you - done this week! For you NOT to be sharing photos of yourself would be a crime!
    See you in a week!

  35. You are very pretty but I do know what it is like not to enjoy being photographed. I actually hate it but I take pictures of myself for my blog for the same reason you do. I have even disclosed my height and weight on my blog. I really believe in this idea of promoting images of real women-not celebs or models, real bodies that come in all shapes and sizes and the beauty in everyone. The black outfit is really stunning on you and that necklace is so well set off by it. Your photo shoot looks great!

  36. You look phenomenal! That necklace is incredible.

  37. I have bought a maxi slip via amazon, and I love it! So it's worth a try....

  38. I could not get enough of your beautiful photos. They exude so much positive and joy.
    Your necklace is absolutely beautiful. Today I also like your hair styling very much. The leather jacket fits perfectly to the long dress and the red lipstick is a wonderful splash of color. Thank you so much for sharing. Enjoyed this post today so much :)

    have a wonderful day
    many greetings from Germany
    Dana :)

  39. Tamera I had so many reactions when I read this post. First of all, you are such a wonderful role model for women of all ages with your message about self acceptance in pictures. I have always been shy with cameras, and it doesn't help that my hubby has no clue how to snap a great shot. In fact, he's wonderful at capturing someone in the middle of taking a big bite of food hahaha Also, I love that you share your sources for clothes. How generous and helpful you are! You look beautiful in these shots I hope you keep these fashion post coming!
    And I'm so excited about your Napa trip. Tell my Northern California blogging sisters Hello for me!

  40. WOW!! That necklace!!! You are such a pretty lady too!!! Love your style

  41. Over the moon to have you as part of the Share-in-Style family, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    You made my day.
    Love the chunky necklace and gorgeous jacket.

  42. That necklace is soooo amazing. Truly.

  43. Oh my oh my!!! That necklace is AMAZING!!!!!!

