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Birthday Party Time

My darling daughter turned 22 on Saturday
So  I spent last week prepping for her birthday party.

She wanted the party to be infused with
with some nods to
a vintage Paris flair.

Our house is quite small and cozy
so the first thing I decided to do

was to edit out furniture in the living and dining room
and rearrange what was left
so that there could be 
good party flow.

Next I pulled all of my pinks from the cupboards.
Pink has been her color for many a birthday
so many, that I now associate January with pink.

I pulled out all of my pink china and all of the pink textiles I have collected.

I decided to make the dining room wall the party focal point.

I first draped a pink blanket on the wall
then over that I draped a vintage shawl
and finally the last wall layer
a piece of pink Paris inspired fabric
to really bring the party theme home.

To begin the table scape
I draped the table initially with a drop cloth
then a pink cotton ruffled sheet
and topped the table with a vintage pink throw.

I got height for the table scape with mirrored trays
and added in flowers behind.

I fell in love with these party hats from
The Humble Hostess
 knew they would make the perfect accent color
to give just a little twist to the primarily pink color scheme.

These gorgeous swizzle sticks
were bought for Ellis's signature cocktail for the night,
Luckily we tried them in the champagne drink first
because although they looked beautiful
they imparted an unwanted flavor to the drink
so they spent their time at the party 
as decorations only.

Ellis chose her cake which she had encrusted with flowers
Even though she turned 22
there is still a sweet little girl inside
It made my heart happy
that after her world travels
she still wanted one of her old school cakes.

For parties I  prefer to use primarily live plants to decorate with
because after the party
most of them can make it out to the garden.

I wrapped each of the plant containers 
with brown paper and tied them with twine.

I purposely edited almost everything from the living room
including all of my pillows 
to allow for plenty of room for guests.

I also brought in my antique folding chairs for extra seating
They worked wonderfully as 
they were needed they were easily 
pulled into place for use.

I pulled in some round tables from the garden
and sprinkled in some African violets for a bit of color to the sitting space.

Ellis made the chalk board for the bar ...

which we set up on the shelves under the stairs.

It ended up to be so warm that night ...

We actually set up another drink station in the backyard.

Where we ended up having appetizers  and drinks.

When I entertain
I like to have several areas open and addressed
to achieve a nice party flow.

I was quite happy with my wardrobe choice for the party.
It spoke to the party theme
 was still very efficient for hostessing duties.

For Ellis's party dress
I made her a floral crown
added in some very sentimental flowers
that were given to me by her great grandmother.

Dorthy acquired them when she was a young woman
working in the millenary department at Saks in NYC.
The collected flowers and bits are to this day
still my favorite gift ever,
Ellis grew up wearing so many
 in all of her headbands hats and flower crowns
 that I made for her over the years.

Speaking of crowns
these were a huge hit at the party!

I got a collection of these plain pieces 
after being inspired by some pinterest pins.

I thought it could be a fun and simple party activity
 would be perfect for party picture!

I wasn't sure there would be any real interest in making them
but there certainly was!

Not only were fabulous crowns made
but these girls even got their guys to wear one!

All in all
it was an absolutely beautiful party!

As always my friends 

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life


  1. Oh my pink and girlie goodness! What a fantastic party. Ellis is such a lucky young woman to have such a thoughtful, generous and talented mother. Have you ever thought about becoming an events coordinator or writing a book about how to put together a fabulous party?
    xoxo, A

    1. I agree Tamera! This was amazing and so lovely! Your home and parties would make a wonderful lifestyle book! You have a very accessible, but glam way of living and I just love it. Ellis is very fortunate to have a mom who puts so much into things like this!

    2. Thank you so much Adrienne and Kim! I have had a dream for over a decade to do a book about our little house … with the intent of showing you can have a beautiful life in a tiny little space. Our house to me is a member of the family with the gardens we have planted … to me it's sacred ground. My book would be all about the joys of a small house … and how it can grow and change with a family … and how to make use of each square inch :))

      Thank you both for reminding me of my little dream :))


  2. I couldn't agree more to what Adrienne just said, Tamera! That is an absolutely stunning setting and I bet your gorgeous daughter had a fantastic evening. Besides the interior decoration, it seems like you live in paradise when I look at your garden and view.
    I think I am a little bit jealous now... :-)

    Annette | Lady of Style

    1. Thank you so much Annette for your kind words … such a compliment from your stylish self … all the way from Germany! I think it must be nice to have some winter though … if only for the ability to wear more clothes :))


  3. Lovely, Tamera. I discovered your blog through Adrienne. My oldest (a daughter) is 22 and my youngest will be going to college next year to I relate to the phase of life you're in and have enjoyed your beautiful blog. Best to you! - Julie

    1. Thank you Julie! I see not only do we share children of similar ages, my youngest also will be in college next year … but we also share a love of beautiful places! I so enjoyed your tour of Savannah!

  4. What a lovely ambience you've created, so festive yet intimate at the same time.

    1. Why thank you my dear … that is exactly what I was going for indeed!


  5. Tamera dear-I had to take several minutes to just relish in the beauty of your home and the ethereal magic of this party you created for Ellis. You all deserve those darling crowns. After spending an afternoon in your home I know the care you put into each element. Ellis is a lucky birthday girl. I agree with Adrienne and Kim. We need more--a book??
    Lovely post gorgeous friend.
    xx, Heather

    1. Awww sweet, sweet Heather … thank you for your gracious words! I would love nothing better than to do a book about our little house … and how one can live a beautiful life … in a small space! Every time I think … we can't do that … our house is small… I am absolutely determined to make it work … and i always have :))


  6. Lovely decor and so thoughtful in how you placed everything. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and celebration pictures! I love that no one is ever too old to where a party crown. Your daughter is very lucky.

    1. Why thank you Holli! Last year I threw myself a birthday party … complete with a real crown! it was so much fun … I think I'll do it again this year!

  7. Just lovely! What a lucky gal.


  8. This is love made visible!! How wonderful that you can share your gifts of creating beautiful things and spaces. I know everyone must have had a wonderful time. I'm guessing that when it was all over, when the dishes were done and things were put back for the night, that you sat quietly and relished the moment, reflecting on the past and being grateful for the present. I would have. :-) It's a wonderful legacy and you have helped create moments that will never be forgotten.


    1. Jean you know me well! I did indeed! Your poignant comment brought me warm loving tears … thank you so my dear!


  9. Thank goodness I have had only boys, and we made homemade pizzas for as long as I can remember. Compared to you lovely spread that was a piece of cake. Lovely, just lovely.

    1. Thank you dear Cornelia! I have always loved throwing birthday parties … especially for my girl … as she is so appreciative and enjoys all the little deals. So much so she is majoring in event planning … before she gets her Masters in teaching.

      Homemade pizza for boys birthday is a wonderful idea! My youngest son turns 18 this year and I am still trying to talk him into allowing me to do a party for him! Home made pizza … is one great idea!

      How old are your boys?


    2. Our oldest is 25 and my twins are 23. And yes, by request it's homemade pizza whenever they come visit these days.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oh Cornelia … three boys so close together … how did you make it through :))

  10. Happy Birthday to your daughter! What a beautiful party. Everything looks fabulous. It's my birthday in early February- will incorporate your tip to buy live plants. Makes sense, especially considering cost of flowers here.

  11. Everything you touch turns into looks like a memorable party.
    Love the crowns!

  12. Hi Tamera, I saw this on Instagram and had to stop by and leave a comment. My (little) girl is turning 23 in April.. and there is always a party;) I think I'll show her this! Love all the details.. the pink swizzles, the darling hats, the gorgeous cake, and the most perfect ambiance set for a very special day. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! xxleslie

  13. I was loving it all and thinking how good you are at this sort of thing and then the photo of the crowns came up - it made me smile so widely! Bravo Tamera!

  14. Ellis, 22. Can you sigh yet in the comfort of knowing you've reared her well?
    I love love love her party theme! Those swizzle sticks of sugar are perfect eye candy!
    Beautifully done, Tamera!
    It is such a gift to throw a party to celebrate one's own child.
    It's value-building.
    <3, D

  15. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!!! WOW ... what a fabulous event you put together mon ami. Everything looks tres chic, elegant and fun. Just beautiful ... OH La La! hugs, C.

  16. I just found your blog and am so inspired. The party and your daughter are beautiful. Could you show a bit more of the lovely embroidered red jacket?

  17. Such a beautiful setting for Ellis' party. She and her friends are so gorgeous, and you are the sweetest mum! xxx

  18. She is the most beautiful fortunate girl. My daughter is a pinky tulle girl, too. Tamera you do everything with so much style. I am in awe!

  19. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter - the party look AMAZING! I agree with the other comments in total Awe!

  20. May you be blessed with more of everything – more love, party more happiness and more birthdays. Happy Birthday!
