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....{we did it}....

We did it. 
 Last Sunday after months of going back and forth....
Jeff and I booked a trip 
to Europe.

We  leave at the end of the month.

I have never been.
Although, it has been on my list since high school...
when I it was to be a  semester at sea...
in college...studying abroad...
before I went to UCLA
I studied International Business at NYU

I remember breaking up with boyfriends...
because I didn't want to get too serious...
and end up
not living in Europe...
{I knew myself well}.

Then it was marriage and kids...
and the dream was all but forgotten....

Ellis went...

and remembering my own dreams..
I started thinking about it....
getting passports...
just in case...

The more I thought about it....

the more I realized why I really haven't been....


fear of the unknown...
of not really knowing how to do it....
after all of these years it seems so daunting ....
to me.

one of the many gifts of middle age...
you just have to do it...

embrace the fear
embrace the unknown...
embrace the journey with gratitude and optimism...

a perfectly packed wardrobe.

I started working on mine...
before we bought the tickets...
it will be a capsule wardrobe of textured browns....
cashmeres, suede, wools, some denims...
all deliciously topped of with ....
fabulous vintage furs...

a pinterest board has been made...
pieces have been pulled...
but much culling and accessorizing...and filling in...
is yet to be done....
because for once....

I'd truly like not to....
over pack  :)

as always dear friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life.

****we will be traveling to****
London, Torino, Paris, Ireland and Scotland
any and all tips and advice will be Greatly appreciated!



  1. Oh, wow! Are you ever going to have a fantastic time!! The packing alone is an exciting prospect. Your photos are so sensual and evocative of adventure. I'm so glad you have been able to set this dream into motion!

  2. Tamera, this is so awesome! Remembering old dreams and reviving them. I can't wait to see all the photos and follow your style journey. xo!!

  3. You are right, just have to do it!! I am proud of you for pursuing your dreams...perhaps someday, I will not be far behind! I look forward to seeing your pictures.

  4. I'm so excited for you! Wishing you the most memorable and wonderful trip...ever!!

  5. I can't wait to see what you end up packing...I'm thinking you may need several suitcases by the sounds of it! My husband is from Nice and we will be returning to France to visit his family this Dec. This is the perfect time to be visiting Europe. Not as busy, still great weather, and the changing seasons. You will love it!


    1. How exciting for you! nice looks to be such a beautiful place to visit... and all the better with family waiting!

  6. Congratulations!! So happy and excited for you. The sneak peek at your wardrobe looks delicious and elegant. I know you'll have a glorious adventure. Savor it.

  7. Tamera, you grew up with a fabric store?! How wonderful!!! As for your trip to will have a fabulous time I'm certain. Be sure to take an extra empty bag for purchases! Bon voyage!

  8. This sounds wonderful Tamera! I've only been to Spain so I don't have any suggestions other than ENJOY! I will live vicariously though you and your photos. Those furs are scrumptious!

  9. Have a wonderful time. Don't take anything and buy it all there! What fun.

  10. I am sooo happy for you! Good for you that you're making your dreams come true! Just enjoy all the little details and don't get frustrated if you don't get to see everything!

  11. I'm so happy for you and look forward to your reports of not only the destinations but the journey.

  12. Tamera, hope you will create a slot to visit Rome, I'd happy to meet you!

    1. Oh Barbara I would so Love to meet You!!! Unfortunately our only time in Italy will be in Torino to visit Ellis. By the way she has made use of so many of your ideas and advice...and she made it quite easily to Ikea!

  13. How utterly fabulous, what a trip! I'm off for a nosey at your Pinterest board, where in Scotland are you headed?

    1. My husband is the golf course superintendent for Big Canyon Country we are going to Edinburgh, and then to St. Andrews. I bet you would have some great travel tips for the area oh so stylish dear!

    2. Oh you'll be close to me, how fab! I posted on St Andrews a few weeks ago.

  14. Congratulations on your decision. I'm sure you will love Europe. The only other problem you will have is to decide where to go. So many great options!

  15. How exciting! I have a lodging recommendation for you in Paris.
    Hotel Caron de Beaumarchais.

    It's charming and reasonable with a great location in le Marais.

    Have fun planning your trip!
    xo, A

    1. Thank you so much Adrienne for the recommendation! I will most certainly look it up...I don't even know one are from I truly appreciate suggestions!

      Congratulations again on writing for the online magazine...they are lucky to have you my dear!

  16. In London, you can get 1/2 price day off tickets for most shows. Research where and when to buy. Love the post. Excellent presentation. (I want to go now)

  17. how exciting that you are living outside your comfort zone & going to a few cities to get the feel of Europe. Travel is inspiring to see other cultures.When I get into a rut in life, getting on a plane & going somewhere unknown just energizes me. You may want to check out blog -
    We live in a global world...enjoy...Hope you are staying at some nice B & B's - you may also want to check out for places to stay & things to do.

  18. How exciting! Let me know when you're in London, be fun to meet for a coffee.

    1. We will be in London November 1st through the 4th... I would love to meet You for coffee!!!

  19. wonderful news! i wish you that you will enjoy the journey. paris and scotland both are fantastic, each place/area in its own way. probably you will meet your dear daughter in torino, that will be a great time too.
    as a preparation to the trip i recommend to watch the film "Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain" and for scotland to listen to the great voices of the "celtic woman".

    1. Oh Sabine, I adore 'celtic woman", thank you for the reminder...I must download it to my ipod! I will be ordering the film you suggested from netflix! Thank you so much for the recommendations...I so appreciate them!!!

  20. Keep your jewelry with you when you travel on the trains. I had all of mine stolen in France. Comfy, but chic (of course) walking shoes are a must!

    1. Oh thank you! I have heard stories to that account...I am so sorry that happened to you! That certainly can taint a trip! How did you like Italy?

    2. Loved Italy. Cannot wait to go back. We talk and plan and talk some more. Maybe next fall. Have a wonderful journey.I am sure you will fall in love with each destination and more in love with your Husband, as well.

  21. I packed monochromatic dresses for my honeymoon to Paris. Dry cleaning bills are a bit high, but you can get overnight dry cleaning via your hotel in Paris. Please Underpack. There will be so much fashion there you will want to buy and wear! If you purchase something over $300 you can fill out a form (store will provide it for you) to get taxes back. Fill out the forms and go to the Customs in the airport before you go through security on your way home to drop these forms off. Buy a lock from a street vendor and write your initials on it w/ your beloved and lock to the side of Pont Des Arts in Paris. Visit the Eiffel Tower at 8-9 pm and climb up after dark - less lines. Eat the Macarons at the Laduree by the Louvre in the underground shopping area passageway. Buy a bunch, do not look at the price. Have breakfast at a cafe. Order the hot chocolate and the orange juice. ORDER THE CHEESE!!! You will love it!

  22. I hope you will have a wonderful time and take a lot of pictures to share with us. I've never been abroad so I have no advice.

  23. Oh, I green? You're going to ALL of the places I long to go. I am happy for you, though, and I'm sure it will be the trip of a lifetime! I'm looking forward to the pictures of you looking gorgeous in every setting.

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  24. Wonderful news, Tamera! You are are more courageous each and every present moment - no need of any advice I may have! - wishing you an exhilarating voyage! xo

  25. Have a wonderful time, but don't do fur in London - people are VERY anti real fur, and quite vocal in letting you know about it.

  26. Such exciting news! You are going to have sooo much fun!!!

  27. I am so excited for you, that is a dream of mine someday after the rugrats maybe move out! You have such impeccable taste. I can't wait to see what you pack.


  28. Congratulations on your long awaited European trip, Tamera. I've never been to Europe. Have a wonderful time.

  29. I love the fact that you plan the wardrobe before planning the trip! Beautiful! (You are lucky that your husband will let you take 12 pieces of luggage!)

  30. I am so excited for you and love that you are making a dream come true. 'Feel the fear and do it anyway,' I think a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. I appreciate your talent and willingness to express your emotions across the continuum. Choosing your ensembles is the beginning of a fabulous and glorious adventure!

  31. HOW exciting! i love it!

    Have a fabulous night! Stop by and say hello!

  32. The wardrobe sounds amazing! I love all of the textures and the variety of shades of browns. And that jewelry! Gorgeous!!

    xo Niki

  33. Tamera,

    If the play "Lion King" is playing, go it is wonderful. If your in London on the weekend go to the Portabella Market (antiques)Kew gardener is beautiful, (formal garden), Stonehenge is a must.

    I was there for summer school and had a great experience. Paris I had issues with the French, American are not always treated kindly.
    Be sure to carry a converter for hair dryer and razors, Electric voltage there is 220 and our voltage is 110.

    Comfortable shoes are a must.


  34. Dear I forgot to tell you to visit Chanel in Rue Cambon I think you will like the "small shop" See the stairs where Gabrielle held its first show. I like Chanel. Wish you a good trip. Perhaps Copenhagen next time - I give coffee

  35. Yay! Good for you. You'll love the trip.

    We all fear the unknown, but the trick in life is to push past the fear. On the other side of it is joy!

  36. Hello. I enjoy reading your blog. I am leaving this week to visit my daughter who moved to Spain two months ago. She is studying for a master' degree. She is also there to be with her Spanish boyfriend. We are meeting in Bordeaux for a week. We will then stay with herein Olot, Spain for another week.

    I can understand your excitement to go and visit Europe. I wish you a wonderful trip.

    From Canada, I am wishing you a good day. Elise

    1. Elise, I am So excited for you and your trip to Spain to visit your daughter! I would love to hear more about your trip upon your return! All of your destinations sound does reuniting with your daughter! Thank you so much for stopping by to comment!

      Wishing you a wonderful adventure!

  37. !!!!!!!!! yay yay yay!!! Amazing places, wow! Can't WAIT to hear and see all about it.
    Did I miss how long for?

    I am SO thrilled for you!!!

  38. I wish you a fabulous time here in Europe! It's a perfect time to be here with all the Autumn colors. You will love it. Have a safe trip and enjoy!

