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a backyard party... wishing Ellis a Buon Viaggio...

 To wish my darling daughter Ellis a great voyage
as she leaves to study abroad in Italy this week...
we celebrated with an August summer backyard party...
and wished her and her boyfriend Elliot....
Buon Viaggio!

 as with all great parties...
this one began with invites 
that captured the mood....
clad in yellow envelopes and tied with the parties signature red check....

 Ellis found moped embossed cards at Paper Source...
to which we added the party name...
and backed the graphic with red.

turning the card over...
all the pertinent info was added.

Ellis's dress was the perfect pick for our Italian inspired theme..

This dress is going with her....
as a base for so many perfect traveling outfits...
especially adding the black leather jacket purchased today.
Ellis will be blogging here while living in Italy.

Like any room....
 Any great party decor needs
 an inspiration piece....
mine were these lovely tea towels depicting the pasta regions of Italy...
 we found them at our local antique market here.

 I simply clothes pinned the tea towels
 laundry style to the fence vines
for a quick and easy party graphic.

a trip to Ikea
provided 4 yards of fabric for a tablecloth 
for our outdoor farm table that seats 9.
This table is another fabulous handiwork of my husband's.

Adding color and visual flavor...
yellow daisies in recycled jars....

and my favorite part...

Working them into the center piece
elevated the vegetable...
to perfect sculpture....
with a nod to Italian cuisine.

 To add more drama and color 
I simply covered my cream seats...
with Bandanas...
Such an easy, easy color addition!

As the sun began to set...
I switched out the tomatoes for candles...
It was in the twinkling evening candles and white lights ...
that cloaked the party in a magical intimacy....
a moment in time shared by family and friends....
in the evening light...
the party was everything....
and more....
than I had even hoped.

 Our round table was dressed
with a tablecloth.....

daisies, candles

 finished off with 

 I spent the week prior to the party...
trimming and 'fluffing the yard...
I added Pow Wow daisies to my French urns...
to bring a touch of the party decor into the neighboring planters.

 I collected all of my red linens...
 filled a basket for quick and handy napkins.

 Glasses of Sangria 
and Italian beer..
greeted the guests on arrival.

 Ellis and I perused the World Market...
for all things imported from Italy...
to add a touch of Italian realism.

 I draped the buffet table with a quilt from Anthropologie...
 masses of colorful produce.
Produce as party decor is SO easy to work with....
simply drop it in place....
as long as there is plenty of it...
produce always looks fabulous.
A trip to the likes of Costco...
makes it a very affordable alternative to flowers...
with an added freshness.

 Pellegrino and citrus...
such an easy and successful nod to Italy.

 On outdoor parties I find
  serving buffet style 
so easy and enjoyable for all.
I put all the silver out in containers...
as well as cloth napkins....

I never use paper....inside or out.
To me...the simple luxury of cloth...
elevates even the most mundane of meals....

Not being a chef...or a cook...or proficient in all things cuisine...
I need all the styling props I can find to raise  plenty of mundane :)

 Luckily for parties here...
not only is Ellis skilled in making all things food...
but she learned from her Dad...
So the food is always great...
(it's just not my specialty...)
The menu consisted of 
a pasta bar...
with all the fixens...

I pulled out my silk 'patio dress' for the occasion.
It worked perfectly for a warm summer night in the backyard
Such a wonderful and enchanted evening....
only added to my love of this DKNY dress.

as always dear friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life


  1. those tea towels are wonderful!! I love that style and always try and find things like that when I'm out. I love travel scarves too.

    What a beautifully colorful backyard shared with your loved ones.

  2. Ooh travel scarves... I know what I'm looking for this weekend at the antique fair!

  3. Uh, no words for how beautiful and special this is! Wow!Wow!Wow!

  4. Your ability to put together a party equals your talent in assembling an outfit. Your creativity reigns! A perfect way to celebrate your daughter, family and friends.

    1. My dear Judith...thank you so for the kind style icon you!

  5. Loving every last detail Tamera! So beautifully pulled together.
    I wish I could have sent you my pasta apron! My in-laws are in the gourmet food/fresh pasta business.

    1. Your in-law's business sounds So tell more!

  6. What a great party. Aren't you excited for her? She is going to have a fabulous time!
    Cheers! Connie*

    1. Connie, I am Really excited for her...and I am so looking forward to learning about Italy through her!

  7. A spectacular send-off, Tamera, wow! I particularly love the centrepiece tomatoes and all the linens - gorgeous, wonderful fun!
    Thank you for sharing it with us, and all the best to Ellis for her journey.

    1. Thank you Amber...I was so tickled with the tomatoes...their use came out of a lack of flower choices...and as with so many creative endeavors...a lack opened up for a fresh new solve.

  8. that dress more gorgeous and magnificent photos...

  9. Lady - the party looks divine but really You are the one who looks ready to go to Italia not Ellis - your outfit & accessories all all knock out sensation & we can imagine that the music was just as divine. Enjoy & start planning for the welcome home party.

  10. My sweet, sweet Danielle...thank you for your kind words...and love and prayers for Ellis and her adventure!

  11. Thank you for your very complimentary comments! Fabulous idea about planning for a welcome home party...I have been so concentrated on her departure I hadn't even thought that far ahead. I know she will really be back soon...and planning her next party will make it even sooner...thank you!

  12. Wow! What a beautiful party. Everything is so pretty and suited to the occasion. Your outfit is gorgeous. Best wishes to your daughter.

  13. Tamera you're a genius, really..I emailed you.

    A presto,

  14. Beautifully styled party!! Fabulous dress and the earrings were stunning. Your daughter is very, very lovely. I see a shop link on your header, but it doesn't work(for me), perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

  15. Wow. just wow Tamera. I can only imagine how wonderful this gathering was. Because anyone who puts that much LOVE, care and attention to detail into life is guaranteed a wonderful outcome. The beautiful moments were building before the party happened. So much wonderful positive energy here, just so fabulous.

  16. what a precious precious party you gave her tamera, how beautiful was this!?! oh please come help me with madelynn's graduation party!
